Nöroşirürji Tarihçesi
1634 Ambrois Pare pain-nerve damage1756 Nicholas Andre Trigeminal neuralgia
1769 Morgagni first SEA description
1866 Mendel DNA
1869 SEH
1875 EEG in animals
1882 Von Recklinghausen NF1
1884 Godlee first glioma op.
1885 Osler mycotic aneurysm
1886 Sir Victor Horsley post. fossa surgical exploration
1889 MacEwen cerebellum tbc abcess resection
1891 Chiari Chiari malformation
1891 Victor Horsley pregang.trigeminal rizotomy-middle fossa
1892 Abbe syringomyelia
1892 Balance CPA tm (mnj) resection
1893 hypophyseal surgery
1895 Balance XI-VII anastomosis
1895 Cushing CPA (akustic nerinoma) digit resec.
1895 Roentgen x-ray
1900 Babinski Craniopharyngioma symptoms (sex-obesity)
1900 Bournville Aqueduct stenosis
1900 Dandy-Blackfan HS (hidrocephalus) definition
1901 Le Fort Maxillary fracture classif.
1908 Horsley-Clarke stereotaxis
1908 phenytoin
1910 L’Espinasse first CNS endoscopy
1910 Cushing transnasal-transsphenoidal
1914 Dandy-Blackfan Dandy cyst presentation
1918 Dandy choroid plexotomy
1919 Harris-Benedict BEE equation
1920 Adson intracranial pregang. trigeminal rizotomy
1920 Dandy Aq stenosis stent
1920 Cushing pituitary adenoma
1920 Cushing-Bailey 3 tiered astrocytoma classif.
1920 Jefferson atlas burst fracture
1920 JCD jacobs cretzfeld disease first described
1922 Dandy cystoscope to look into the lat vent.
1922 Cushing meningioma
1923 Mixter ETV endoscopic 3rd vent
1925 Roentgen unit
1927 Dandy intrac. pregang. rhyzotomy developed
1929 Human EEG in neurosurgery
1929 Bailey PCNSL
1931 Dott wrapping of aneurysm
1932 Cushing craniopharyngioma
1932 Dandy vascular compr.-post fos. rhyzotomy
Adams-Witt microscope
1933 Fox IT use of indigo carmin for CSF fistula
1936 Egas Moniz prefrontal leucotomy-psychiatric
1937 Sjoqvist open trigeminal tract.
1938 Dandy first aneurysm clipping
1938 Cushing olfactory groove mnj.
1939 German-Taffel cerebral revascularization
1940 corpus callosotomy
1942 phenytoin in TN trigeminal neuralgia
1942 Sweet open trigeminal tr-proposed for Glossophr.n.
1943 Freeman-Watts lobotomy
1945 Dandy 3rd vent PL wall-subtemporal approach
1946 Seddon peripheral nerve injury classif 3 subtypes
1946 Russel Aq. stenosis subtypes 4
1947 Wycis-Spiegel caudal thalamotomy+mesencephalotomy
1948 Cairns-LeBeau cingulotomy
1948 SSD Hematoma
1949 Nicoll stable/unstable TL fr-interspinous lig.
1949 Kernohan astrocytoma 4 stage
1950 Ringertz 3 stage of astrocytomas
1950 anatomical hemispherectomy for infantil hmp
1950 Garceau tethered cord
1950 McGowan ulnar nerve injury classif-3
1950 Halothane
1951 Sunderland peripheral nerve injury classif. 6 subtypes
1953 Watson-Crick DNA
1953 Lars Lexell Radiosurgery
1954 carotid endarterectomy
1954 Dandy-Walker Post fossa cyst identified
1957 Egas Moniz Angiography
1957 Simpson extension of mnj. Resection-5 degree
1960 Steroids in brain edema
1960 Debakey vertebral endarterectomy
1960 Lundberg ICP monitoring
1960 William House AN acustic neurinoma transtemporal-translab
1960 Ransohof communicating hidrocephalus HS
1960 Hopkins flexible-small endoscopes
1961 carbamazepin
1963 Collins-Cloward open cordotomy
1963 Mullan percutaneous (SR) cordotomy
1963 Holdsworth 2 column concept-PL complex-burst= stable
1964 Ashworth spasticity classif.
1964 Dotter-Judkins stents PTA
1964 Luessenhop-Velasquez endovasc. balloon occ. of aneurysm
1964 Kunc open trigem. tract. performed in GN
1965 Brice-McKissok spinal met-spinal cord function grading-4
1965 Parkinson P triangle
1965 Adams-Hakim NPH normal pressure hydrocephalus
1965 Rosomof RF cordotomy
1965 Melzack-Wall gate control theory
1966 McCormick vascular malf. classif. 4 types
1967 Crue-Hitchcock RF trigeminal tractotomy
1967 Shealy dorsol column stimulation
1968 Hunt-Hess SAH classif.
1968 Hitchcock extralemniscal cordotomy
1969 Frankel Neurological performance scale-5
1969 Yasargil EC-IC bypass
1969 Shea-McClain ulnar n. palsy in Guyon canal-3
1969 MoyaMoya first described
1970 CT
1970 Rubinstein PNET
1970 Epstein slit ventricle
1970 Djindjian Dural AVF classification
1971 Portsmann PVA as an embolic material
1971 Sano hipotalamotomy-cancer
1972 Suwanwela-Suwanwela encephalocele classif.
1972 Sindou microsurgery DREZ
1972 baclofen
1973 clonazepam-epilepsy-myoclonus
1973 gene transfer
1973 Fox percutaneous free hand in TTN
1973 Godfrey Hounsfield CT unit
1973 Schneider second impact syndrom first described
1974 Anderson-D’Alonzo Odontoid fr. classif
1974 Enflurane
1974 Serbinenko latex balloon occ. of aneurysms
1974 Sweet-Wepsic gasser gang. electrocoagulation
1975 clonazepam in TN
1977 Gruntzig PTCA for coronary artery
1978 Bromocriptin approved by FDA
1978 Papile IVH (subependimal) grading in infants-4
1978 White-Panjabi clinical instability
1978 Brooks C1-C2 post. Fusion-sublaminar wiring
1979 Wilson (modif. Hardy1973) anatomic class. of pit. Adenoma-5; A-E
1979 Ranawat RA classif.
1979 Wilkinson percutaneous RF sympathectomy
1979 Drake Half and half approach
1979 WHO 4 tier astrocytoma classif.
1980 Kerber-Mullan PTCA for ICA stenosis
1980 Ojeman-Heros sup. temp gyr-transcortical transtemp MCA
1980 MRI
1981 Isoflurane
1981 Effendi Hangman fracture classif.
1981 Debrun detach. ballon -parent art of aneury+bypass
1981 Britt-Enzmann abscess 4 stages; 5 zones
1981 Hakanson gliserol chemoneurolysis
1982 Romodanov detach. balloon in aneurysmal cavity
1982 Jackson glomus jugulare classif.
1982 Allen subaxial fracture classification -8
1982 Bohler anterolateral dens screw
1983 Denis; McAfee 3 column theory; Denis 4-McAfee 6 fr types
1983 Denis burst classification (A-E types)
1983 PCR
1984 Kaye JF schwannomas classif. A,B,C
1984 Second impact syndrom defined
1985 Kawase ant petrosal transcavernous
1986 Nashold open caudalis DREZ
1986 Martin-Spetzler AVM classif. 4 types
1986 Barkovich tonsils 3mm inferior to FM in Chiari I
1986 Hakuba COZ
1987 Lexell gamma knife U model
1987 autol. adrenal medulla transpl for Parkinson
1987 Kanpolat CT guided percutaneous cordotomy
1988 Dumas-Duport 4 grade
1988 Anderson & Montesano occipital condyle fr. classification
1988 Graves platinium coils for aneursym+silk fibers
1988 WFNS aneurismal SAH grading-6
1989 Nimodipin FDA approved for vasospasm therapy
1989 Kanpolat CT guided TTN
1990 3rd VOS?
1990 White-Panjabi spinal instability description
1990 NASCIS II- III methylprednisolone in acute spinal cord inj.
1991 Dickman-Sonntag C1-C2 fusion-sublaminar wiring
1991 Raybaud craniopharyngioma classification
1991 Marshall CT parenchymal injury classif. (6)
1991 Guglielmi electrically detach. coils
1992 Pang SCM
1993 WHO astrocytoma classif. 4 stage
1993 Dreval ultrasonic DREZ
1993 Dickman-Sonntag Atlantooccipital dislocation classif.
1994 Okudesa-Kobayashi mnj resection-5 degree
1994 Hamilton-Spetzler accuracy of the AVM classif. scale
1994 Benzel Odontoid type III-detailed classif.
1994 Magerl comprehensive TL fracture classif. (A,B,C)
1996 Park Chiari II
1996 Lexell gamma knife B model
1997 Remifentanil-ultrashort acting narcotic
1997 AAN concussion grading-3